

Check out this video below that recently went viral.

It’s a great commercial but more than that, it tells the kind of story that resonates.

After you watch it, please continue reading this blog post:
What makes this little story so memorable is not just the imagery and soundtrack, but the connection it makes to anyone who has loved a pet, lost a loved one, or experienced any of the things we saw in this commercial. It tugs on the strings that are closest to my heart, connected to the deepest love, pain, and memories.

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Life and Death


For the first three decades of my life, I was well aware of the fact that I’d lived a very charmed life–I hadn’t suffered at all, though I didn’t come from a family of any wealth, I was very blessed and happy with the simplicity of life. Beautiful music would always become the proverbial soundtrack to my life, at least in my fantasies of the life that I had yet to experience…

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What Really Matters?

No matter what stage you are in your career, there will always be another email to answer, another task to complete, another deal to close. How many of you can relate? It’s not just business, it’s busy-ness. As a home-maker, there’s always another meal to cook, always another load of laundry. It’s endless.

By the end of the day, you may feel you haven’t accomplished enough and are falling behind. But nothing will ever be enough to remove that feeling. Can you relate?

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