
DARKROOM Launches Today!

Well, today is the day I’ve been waiting for for all my life as a writer. This is the day my first book published by a major house (DARKROOM, Howard Books/Simon & Schuster) was released.

There’s been a lot of excitement over the release on facebook and twitter, with numerous positive reviews from bloggers, review sites, and even major news outlets.

It’s been hard to keep up with everything, but I wanted to make sure I lived this day according to my faith. So I started with waking up early to go to a 6AM prayer meeting at my church in which many businesspeople gathered to encourage and pray for one another. I love praying for people because…

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A Matter of Perspective

perspective (pəˈspɛktɪv)
— n
a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance

Judge not, lest ye be judged

Have you ever had this experience? You’re waiting somewhere public like–oh, I don’t know, DMV or something–and someone near you is acting incredibly rude and inconsiderate. (Hold on, before you all jump and raise your hands, don’t answer just yet, because we’re not focusing on that person, we’re focusing on you.)

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Remember when you were a child, and you believed you could fly if you just ran hard enough and leapt? I’m not proposing you do anything like that might possibly cause bodily harm, but I am asking you to consider what it was that allowed you to take that flying leap off that porch, or deck? Was it ignorance? Maybe just a little. Was it foolishness? Again, maybe a bit. But I submit to you that it was something else. Something that as you watched reality, grownups and negative people snuff out your dreams (some rightfully so), died within you. Something that seemed a lot more fun than the harsh “reality” of life.

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