Darkroom by Joshua Graham awarded finalist in the USA Book News Best Book Awards 2011
“Darkroom” by Joshua Graham named an Award-Winning Finalist in the Mystery/Suspense category of The USA “Best Books 2011” Awards.
“Darkroom” by Joshua Graham named an Award-Winning Finalist in the Mystery/Suspense category of The USA “Best Books 2011” Awards.
How ebooks helped launch my career and Darkroom for Barnes & Noble Nook now available for Pre-Order!
After some discussion with my publisher Simon & Schuster/Howard Books, they have taken some of my feedback and revised the book cover for Darkroom.
I had the rare opportunity to sit with my “evil twin” Ian Alexander and chat with him about his book ONCE WE WERE KINGS. We had such a good time, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I was beside myself with laughter! I hope you’ll enjoy the transcript of our little chat.
How can you spot an independent author? Just watch how many times a day he/she checks his Amazon rankings.
In less than 72 hours, THE ACCIDENTAL HERO “sold” OVER 5400 copies and remains at the #1 and #2 bestseller ranks…