An interview with my “evil twin” Ian Alexander, author of ONCE WE WERE KINGS.

I had the rare opportunity to sit with my “evil twin” Ian Alexander and chat with him about his book ONCE WE WERE KINGS. We had such a good time, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I was beside myself with laughter! I hope you’ll enjoy the transcript of our little chat.
Josh: Something that readers have been asking is for some dialogue between me and my evil twin Ian Alexander regarding writing and other things. Today, I’d like to welcome Ian to my blog. Hello Ian, how are you doing?
Ian: Thanks for having me, brother. You are looking rather suave today.
Josh: Thanks, Ian. But if you think flattery will cause me take it easy on you today, you’re sadly mistaken.
Ian: Well! That’s the thanks I get for paying you a compliment!
Josh:The last time you complimented me, I ended helping an old lady cross a busy street. She beat me over the head with her umbrella and nearly called the police saying that I was assaulting her!
Ian: Oh.
You still remember that, do you?
Josh: …
Anyway, back to business. How does it feel to be a debut author?
Ian: I could ask you the same. But for me, it’s been a very interesting ride. I’ve received so much support and encouragement from our mutual friends who are both writers, readers and fans. This being my first book in the genre, I was a tad anxious about how Once We Were Kings might be received.
Josh: It seems to have been received well based on the feedback, reviews and bestseller rankings. How do you feel about your book being categorized as Epic Fantasy?
Ian: Right. Well, I’m not one who cares a great deal for labels and such. But I understand one needs to know which bookshelf a book should be placed upon. And readers need to know which category it belongs to. As for Epic or High Fantasy, I think it could fit well in that category, but I didn’t actually write this book for those die-hard fans of Epic/High Fantasy (i.e., Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, or Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake, etc.) While I hope that all readers will enjoy Once We Were Kings, I wrote it for my kids and for the rest of us who don’ usually read fantasy. In that regard, it’s a bit lighter on the world building, and it’s faster paced and more accessible than what some High Fantasy fans would expect. But based on the book’s feedback, it’s the very thing that makes people new to the fantasy genre, and young readers enjoy it.
Josh: Fantasy for the Rest of Us. So would you call this a Young Adult book?
Ian: Perhaps in the same way C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia are. However, both adults and young readers have told me they’ve enjoyed Once We Were Kings.
Josh: You’ve received some pretty harsh criticism for Once We Were Kings on Amazon and Barnes & Noble online. How do you feel about that?
Ian: It’s only been a handful of people. But to be completely honest, I’m always disappointed when my book doesn’t work for people and I always make an effort to consider their criticism, no matter how harsh or unkind. But ultimately, one cannot please everyone. I’m glad that there are enough people out there who do enjoy the book and have left reviews as well.
Josh: I’ve got something stuck between your glasses.
Ian: Oh, that! Thank you. It’ piece of a wrapper from er…
Josh: You did NOT raid my stash of Snickers bars, did you?
Ian: You left them wide open in the kitchen! They’re practically public domain!
Josh: Mom was right about you!
Ian: That I’m the more charming of her twins?
Josh: Just so you know, one of my characters in Darkroom is named after you.
Ian: Oh? Really?
Josh: He’s not one of the good guys.
Anyway, back to books and writing. What’s next for you, Ian?
Ian: Wouldn’t you just love to know? Seriously though, I’m working on some sequels and prequels to the Sojourner Series. Some of them will be short fiction and others full novels. Hopefully, I won’t get sidetracked by YOUR books.
Josh: What ever do you mean?
Ian: Sometimes all you do is talk to me about YOUR book ideas and I, in my magnanimousness listen and listen and give you feedback and the next thing you know, I’ve wasted an entire workday on your work.
Josh: What can I say? You’re a great listener.
Ian: Oh, dry up, Josh. You know my books will be the ones to come out next. We’ve already agreed on that. So you can relax for a while.
Josh: You obviously don’t know my schedule. LOL. Well, bro, thanks for stopping by and chatting on my blog.
Ian: My pleasure, any time!
Josh: Maybe not ANY time, but in general, you’re always welcome here. Oh, and one more thing, Ian.
Ian: Yes?
Josh: Those weren’t Snickers Bars in the wrappers.
Ian: What? What were they?
Josh:Doing charades gestures) Combine two words: X-ray and Relax.
Ian:??Ex… Lax…?
(Runs out of the room.)
About Ian Alexander
When Ian Alexander’s debut epic fantasy novel ONCE WE WERE KINGS first launched in ebook format in May 2011, it instantly hit three bestseller lists on and Barnes & Noble. Mr. Alexander first wrote in the fantasy genre because of a commission by a very important and influential person: His 6-year old son.
ONCE WE WERE KINGS is the legacy left to Mr. Alexander’s children and the first in a series of epic fantasy novels which appeals to readers ages 8 through 98.
It’s available for all ebook readers and hardcover!
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Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)
Funny interview. Very informative, and did’nt know you had an evil twin.