Holiday Ebook Sale! Three Joshua Graham Novels for $0.99 each!
From today, Christmas Eve, until the New Year (2014) get three of my novels for just $0.99 each.
From today, Christmas Eve, until the New Year (2014) get three of my novels for just $0.99 each.
Three of my novels have been specially priced for Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday!
Be sure to get your copies while they’re just $0.99!
As anyone who finds it difficult to make enough time to whittle down their TBR list will tell you, sometimes multi-tasking by listening to audiobooks is the only way to accomplish this. I’m happy to announce that the audiobook edition of TERMINUS is currently in production. It’s going to be read by the supremely talented Daniel […]
Great to know that FROM THE ASHES, by my “evil twin” Ian Alexander is doing so well. It’s sitting with some good company among the Left Behind books by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. FROM THE ASHES is a short novella set in the YA/Epic Fantasy world of the Sojourner Saga. It is a prequel […]
I’m pleased to have participated by donating autographed copies of my bestselling novels BEYOND JUSTICE, ONCE WE WERE KINGS, and an ARC (advanced reader copy) of my upcoming novel DARKROOM, which will be released by Simon & Schuster/Howard Books on May 1, 2012. Some of the books were won via silent auction, and one complete personalized autograph went to an exciting live auction.