Darkroom for Barnes & Noble Nook now available for Pre-Order!
How ebooks helped launch my career and Darkroom for Barnes & Noble Nook now available for Pre-Order!
How ebooks helped launch my career and Darkroom for Barnes & Noble Nook now available for Pre-Order!
As many of you know, I have been struggling to keep my lips sealed (or fingers tied) about the big news. Contrary to popular belief, this was not to torment you, not to tease you–well, maybe just a little :). It was because I was not allowed to share it until everything was […]
Happy Friday, everyone!  Someone once said “You’ll never know what you’re made of until you’re staring death in the face.” How often are we misunderstood or misjudged by others, or even by ourselves, because we base our self-perception on the surface–our behavior, our words, our emotional reactions? Robert McKee, credited with 18 Academy Awards, […]
…there is an empty niche out there. That is: hard hitting Christian drama/thrillers/mysteries that don’t involve exorcism or Church scandal. Right now we have the two extremes. The sappy, toothless lifetime snore fests that desiccate the reality and ameliorate the impact so as to make them too saccharine and not realistic or acceptable to mainstream viewers. ~Scott Lowell