Darkroom Named 1st Place Winner in the 2011 Forward National Literature Awards
I learned today that my book DARKROOM won 1st place in the Forward National Literature Awards in the Mystery Category.
I learned today that my book DARKROOM won 1st place in the Forward National Literature Awards in the Mystery Category.
“Darkroom” by Joshua Graham named an Award-Winning Finalist in the Mystery/Suspense category of The USA “Best Books 2011” Awards.
How ebooks helped launch my career and Darkroom for Barnes & Noble Nook now available for Pre-Order!
Joshua Graham’s Suspense Thriller Darkroom to be published as an audiobook through Recorded Books, LLC, and distributed by audible.
At what point does power cross the line into the abuse thereof? Is there ever a time when you must chose the lesser of evils in order to bring about “the greater good?” These ethical questions are as old as humankind itself.