Darkroom by Joshua Graham awarded finalist in the USA Book News Best Book Awards 2011
“Darkroom” by Joshua Graham named an Award-Winning Finalist in the Mystery/Suspense category of The USA “Best Books 2011” Awards.
“Darkroom” by Joshua Graham named an Award-Winning Finalist in the Mystery/Suspense category of The USA “Best Books 2011” Awards.
Joshua Graham’s Suspense Thriller Darkroom to be published as an audiobook through Recorded Books, LLC, and distributed by audible.
It’s kind of cool to that my title is hanging out in the same sandbox with Stephen King, Amanda Hocking, Lee Goldberg and Bram Stoker! I’m pretty “stoked” about it!
After some discussion with my publisher Simon & Schuster/Howard Books, they have taken some of my feedback and revised the book cover for Darkroom.
I had the rare opportunity to sit with my “evil twin” Ian Alexander and chat with him about his book ONCE WE WERE KINGS. We had such a good time, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I was beside myself with laughter! I hope you’ll enjoy the transcript of our little chat.