
Ghost Mouse?? My Windows 8 Adventure

…Everything looked good until I hooked the laptop via HDMI to my Samsung Central Station external monitor/docking station. That’s when my mouse became:

Paranormal Ghost Mouse!
My external USB mouse was going all over the place on its own, teleporting to random spots on my external monitor like Hiro Nakamura from NBC’s “HEROES”, clicking on whatever it felt like. In fact, even when I disconnected the mouse, the pointer would wink out, appear somewhere else in its 1900×1080 pixel screen.


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Joshua Graham Launches new Radio Show with a Live Interview with Guest Steven James

I’m thrilled to be hosting bestselling and award-winning thriller writer Steven James on August 28, 2013 on Thriller Radio. This past July, I had the pleasure of meeting Steve at the International Thriller Writers big annual event Thrillerfest and we had a chance to talk a bit about–you guessed it–writing. I spoke recently with Steve and […]

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The Making of a New Hero

I’m at stage in the process where I’ve already got the book proposal set, but I’ve decided my protagonist needs a better name.

Want to be a part of this process and be able to say about the book series, “That was the part I contributed”?

Well, here’s your chance!

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The End of an Era and the Beginning of a New One

If you’ve been keeping up with me, you’ll know that for the past three years I’ve been a host on an a wonderful internet radio program called DIALOGUE: Between the Lines. Today was my final episode with Susan Wingate as I am moving onto a whole new venue as the host of THRILLER RADIO, which airs on Wednesday Mornings at 9:30AM PST.

On this final episode, around the 30 minute mark, Susan surprised me by inviting some friends and colleagues to a mini-roast, a touching tribute. I had no idea! What a treat to hear from Jill Urbach, Michael Angel, and Steve Berry!

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We Thought We Were Safe… Smartphone Pics on Social Media can be Dangerous

Being a conspiracy theory fiction writer, you can imagine how difficult it is living with me. My saying is this:

It’s hard to live with a thriller writer because we’re always imagining the worst case scenario.
But in the case of this news report (see video below), a little paranoia can be good.

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