
A True American Hero – Maj. Kurt Chew-Een Lee, the first Asian-American U.S. Marine Corps officer Dies at 88

What was it like to be a Chinese Man serving in the US Marine Corps, fighting against the Communist Chinese troops during the Korean War? I can only imagine the challenges Major Lee confronted among his own people. Back in the 1940’s we as Americans were perhaps not as culturally sensitive, nor did everyone place diversity–the strength of our nation–as something as important as we do today.
Inside his unit, Lee faced racial slurs like “Chinese laundry” or “The Chinaman.” But the source of his discrimination proved to be crucial in saving the lives of his fellow Marines.

I wonder how I would handle not just the racial slurs, but the distrust and perhaps even suspicion of my colleagues in life and death situations as war. Could the fraternity of his fellow Marines overcome the bigotry of certain individuals with whom he served?

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I’m excited to announce that today, along with my 11 esteemed colleagues of The Twelve, have become a New York Times bestselling author. Our collection DEADLY DOZEN hit the USA Today bestseller list last week, and we learned that it has hit 2 New York Times bestseller lists as well. Since I began this writing […]

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DEADLY DOZEN hits USA Today Bestseller List

Since its release two weeks ago, Deadly Dozen has hit the bestseller charts on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo and this
week, it hit the USA Today Bestseller List!

Here’s the full press release:

As many of you already know, my book TERMINUS is just one of the 12 books included in the collection.

Barnes & Noble interviewed members of The Twelve this week here. Check it out and see what we had to say about working together.

I’ve had a wonderful time working with the other 11 members of our group. They’re seriously talented, market savvy, and loads of fun to interact with. Writing can be a lonely career, but with colleagues like these, there’s never a dull moment. Seriously, try to sleep while…

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Check out this video below that recently went viral.

It’s a great commercial but more than that, it tells the kind of story that resonates.

After you watch it, please continue reading this blog post:
What makes this little story so memorable is not just the imagery and soundtrack, but the connection it makes to anyone who has loved a pet, lost a loved one, or experienced any of the things we saw in this commercial. It tugs on the strings that are closest to my heart, connected to the deepest love, pain, and memories.

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