Angels Watching Over You?
In light of my upcoming book TERMINUS, I thought this might be a fun topic to discuss:
What’s your idea of an angel?
Do cute little images from “Precious Moments” come to mind? Or would something like the angels from the movie “Legion” be more likely?
What we know about angels come from our cultural and religious backgrounds. I’ll have to admit that personally, I give the thought of angels most during times of air travel and violent turbulence. I keep praying the very scriptures Satan tried to use to trip up Jesus and tempt him to prove his divinity by taking a leap off a cliff:
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.–Psalm 91: 11-12
Whether you believe or not, I’m sure you have some idea in your mind about them. You might even have had some experiences.
I’d love to hear about it, so please share about it in the comments section at the bottom of this page!

Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)
The angels of my youth were those I saw depicted on the Christmas cards and they were all female. The angels of my young adulthood were both male and female and came in the form of friends and kindly strangers. The angels of my maturity (which is debatable) are without specific gender and are supernatural beings. I look forward to the day I will come face to face with the real thing. Although, I may have done so already!
amen about having already done it!! I think we all have, and most of us missed the opportunity.
I guess if you’ve been kind to strangers, Carol, you may already have entertained some. 🙂 It says so in the Bible, doesn’t it?
Less information equals more speculation, especially about angels. We tend to anthropomorphize, think of them as human with super powers, but what info we have makes them something wholly “other”. The belief that formerly living humans act as angelic messengers has no basis in the Bible, but is a common “warm fuzzy” people tell themselves. it has more in common with mythology than truth.
I infer my impression of angels from the Bible, and how people responded to them. There were some “physical” attributes described, as well as descriptions about their activities. I agree with you and don’t think that deceased humans become angels, though. Humans are distinguished from angels rather clearly in the Bible.
I view angels and demons as equal forces with opposite agendas. Demons are out to destroy us as humans, to cloud our minds with the frivolousness of the world so that we cannot see God clearly. Angels on the other hand, are the fierce warriors for God that are here to counteract the demons destructivenss! They protect us in the daily battle for our souls when we allow God (and therefore his army) into our lives. I do not think of them as cute little cherubs with chubby cheeks and delicate wings, they are WARRIORS and are intimidating as such!
When I think of how they are portrayed with chariots of fire, I can’t help but agree. They must be an awesome sight!
When I visualize an Angel it looks more like the one from the painting of the children walking on a bridge. I think if an actual angel appeared before us we would tremble in fear and awe as the shepherds did.
That’s an interesting thought. I think most people in the Bible reacted to the presence of an angel with awe and fear. Mary, on the other hand, wasn’t terrified, and she was a young woman. I wonder why.