Another Goodbye to a Fur Baby Friend

We knew he was going to leave us, we just didn’t know exactly when. Our little furry friend, my son’s winter white hamster had been losing weight since July last year, and after returning from our vacation last week, he was having trouble breathing.
I took him to the vet, who said that he had a mass in his abdomen (cancer) and gave him some antibiotics to help him breathe better. We also gave him some baby food through a syringe because we wanted to give him more calories to combat the cancer’s eating away everything else.

Last hours, asleep in my hand.
I had a feeling some time back that he was going to leave us, and prayed it wouldn’t happen while we were away on vacation. God gave us an extra week with the little guy, in which he did a lot of cuddling (he used to never stand still in your hand) and would just fall asleep in my hand for long naps. In fact, whenever I tried to put him back in his cage, he would run right back into my hand.
Today, it rained all day, the skies dark and cloudy. I noticed him lying on his side struggling to breathe, and I knew it was time.
I called my son over, because he’d been his friend for the entire time we’d had him (from six weeks old on), and put him in his hand as he breathed his final breaths. We stroked him, spoke lovingly to him, telling him what a good boy he was, and thanked him for being such a good friend.
As he breathed his last, the sun broke through and its light and warmth filled the room.
We will miss his funny face, his climbing the cage walls to get our attention, and his playful nature. Who knew such a tiny fur baby could leave such a big hole in our hearts?
But we are so thankful we got to be with him, surrounding him with warmth and love, till the very end.
Goodbye, little guy. We love you!

Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)
Aww, that is so very special. That little creature was fortunate to have landed into the two legged family he did. May he rest in peace and enjoy every hamster wheel there is over the rainbow bridge.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, Lucie. Our whole family really misses him, but we’re grateful for the time we had with him. He brought so much joy and laughter to our lives.
This brought a tear to my eyes. What a touching story of love and compassion right to the end. What a sweet little guy who was blessed with his human family. Rest in peace little one and condolences to your family.
Thank you, Laura. Your kind words bring comfort and bless us. So appreciate you’re being there.
What a lovely tribute to your family’s little faithful friend. May God comfort you in this time of sadness, and may that sweet creature find peace in His hands.
Thank you, Emma. It’s very comforting to hear from you during this time. Some people just understand.