Before I get swept away with all the food, family, and feasting this Thanksgiving, I just wanted to stop by to express my gratitude on this day.
Anyone who knows me understands that I’ve been through some difficult times (though nothing compared to what some have gone through) what with the loss of loved ones and friends, loss of jobs, and other setbacks in life. Yet through it all, I’ve been blessed with wonderful friends and family who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers, and have encouraged me to stay the course. If I were to write the names everyone to whom I’m grateful for being in my life, the list would stretch for miles.
I’m mostly grateful for my beautiful wife and kids, my parents, siblings, pastors, great friends in my church and in cyberspace, and my readers/fans. You’ve all played a major role in making my life complete, and without you, I wouldn’t be where I am, or what I am today. Love you all so much.
It seems that the good Lord has been pleased to place certain influential people in my life, and I would like to list just a few of them (with my apologies to anyone I might not get a chance to mention here.) Here are some, in no particular order.
- Scott “Schecky” Ballantyne – the first cello teacher me to a truly bring me to professional level of technique and musicianship. Also a trusted and generous friend and adviser.
- Dean Wesley Smith – the first editor to buy a work of fiction from me and set me on the path to becoming a professional writer through his generosity in his time and teaching
- Pastor Jerry McKinney – whose preaching and teaching transformed my life just around the time I needed it most
- Joel Osteen – though we’ve never met, his sermons (podcasts) helped sustain my hope when times were tough
- Michael Hiebert – a brilliant author who spent many hours with me chatting about writing. Through our sharing, I’ve learned so much
- Pastor Luke Chen – whose sermons inspired my first novel BEYOND JUSTICE
- Steve Berry – who brought me into the International Thriller Writer’s Organization and introduced me to many great writers
- Douglas Preston – who gave my book DARKROOM one of its first major endorsements
- Susan Wingate – whose friendship has meant the world to me, and who helped show me the ropes as a new independent author. AND got me into hosting an internet radio show.
There are so many more people I want to thank, but I have a house to prepare for wonderful guests/friends this Thanksgiving. Please know, that whoever you are (even if you’re reading my blog for the first time), I’m grateful for you. Your presence in my life enriches it, and you give me a reason to write.
I thank God for you.

Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)