Joshua Graham Launches new Radio Show with a Live Interview with Guest Steven James

I’m thrilled to be hosting bestselling and award-winning thriller writer Steven James on August 28, 2013 on Thriller Radio.
This past July, I had the pleasure of meeting Steve at the International Thriller Writers big annual event Thrillerfest and we had a chance to talk a bit about–you guessed it–writing.
I spoke recently with Steve and he was kind enough to take time out of his extremely busy schedule to do a pre-interview-interview.
JG: What really sparks your interest when reading a book?
SJ: Whatever genre it is, I’m always drawn to stories that impact me emotionally. Sometimes that might mean they make me afraid or sad or inspired or whatever. Often this is because I connect with the struggles of the main character. I write suspense and love suspense. Anytime there are twists, that’s a huge draw for me. I guess I’m not into romance as much, or even horror. I’d rather read a book that is a white-knuckle thriller than one that grosses me out.
JG: How would you describe your writing process (structured, free-flowing)?
SJ: Definitely free-flowing. I don’t outline my books or try to plot them out, but rather try to follow organically where the story threads and struggles of the main characters lead. I can’t imagine starting a book knowing exactly how it will end. I would be bored writing it and it would seem like work instead of play to me. My readers are very astute, and if I can guess how a book will end, I anticipate that many of them will be able to as well. Once again, it’s about those twists.
JG: Do you have a favorite time of day/night to write?
SJ: I typically try to write in the mornings for at least a few hours. Late afternoon and early evening also work well for me. Usually later in the day, for whatever reason, it’s easier for me to come up with new ideas. Copyediting and proofreading tend to be things I do in the morning. Whatever time of day it is, some French roast coffee always helps.
JG: How can readers best keep up with you, your books, and writing?
SJ: The most up to date info is usually on my Facebook Fan Page and my website. Also on my site, there are sample chapters of the books that people can read for free.
My Amazon Page lists all the books I’ve written.
JG: Thanks for being my guest on the Thriller Radio Steve, looking forward to our live interview on Wednesday August 28 at 9:30 AM PST/12:30 PM EST on Thriller Radio here:
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Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)