Five Things That Greatly Improved My Quality of Life
Have you ever felt tired, no matter how much sleep you get? How about focus, do you ever find yourself standing in a room, trying to remember what it was you came looking for, or sitting in front of the computer wondering what you’re supposed to do next?
In the past year or so, I’d been having some trouble with these issues and more, resulting in stress. It would lead to exhaustion and even a sense of depression. So about a year ago, I decided to take to heart the advice I’d received from my doctor, my pastor, my friends, and yes, even my wife (single guys, fear not–I get to keep my man card. I even get a shiny star on it!)
Here are a five things that have helped me greatly:
1. Sleep – Well, duh! Right? But I have found that getting six hours of sleep when going to bed before midnight feels a lot better than seven or eight after midnight. Not sure why, but it seemed to work for me. Also, before going to bed, make sure not to stare at any LED screens like smartphones, tablets. Try dimming the lights, because it inhibits melatonin, which is needed to have a good night’s sleep. I work long hours indoors and don’t get outdoors much. So I tried taking breaks and getting some sunlight during the day. This seemed to help me when I was having trouble falling asleep, even though I was exhausted.
2. Exercise – I had tried many times in the past to join a gym and workout, but it never kept. The lack of motivation for going by myself, or with my wife never led to any appreciable results, so I figured, why waste time and money just to get no results?

(That’s me in front row left)
But last year a friend of mine who had been a Marine Drill Sergeant invited me and my wife to join his community boot camp program. It was BRUTAL! But it was fun too. Working out with friends and having someone continually pushing you past your limits did something for me. I began to feel energetic and focused again. Tired, sore, aching? Of course, but it always challenged me to go back for more. Now, about 8 month later, I’ve lost nearly 20 lbs and need to buy new clothes because all my old ones are too loose. The best part of it is that I have more energy in general
3. Laughter and play – So, I realize that I don’t laugh out loud enough. Confession: Online, when I respond to something with LOL, I don’t really laugh out loud. I am just laughing inside. However, there’s nothing like a really loud belly laugh and a face-splitting smile. So, I’ve learned that when I joke around with my kids, and with my friends while playing Texas Holdem, the tension seems to evaporate. But with all important things in lifestyle, it’s a discipline. Sometimes I have to make a point of doing this. So, I’ve been trying to tell my kids jokes during dinner time, when I had previously been tired, stressed, and naturally quiet and severe. Lightening things up helps everyone in the family. And I’ve found that it starts with me.
4. Prayer – I don’t know if you have any particular faith, but for me, I’ve found that taking some time each day to isolate myself, clear my mind of any and everything, and focusing on God and His word (the Bible) has helped me put things into perspective like nothing else. Why is this? Because for just that short amount of time, I’m not focusing on myself, my problems, and my responsibilities. It’s the one part of the day I can take a deep breath, relax, and know that all things work together for the good of those who love Him (God), and are called according to His purpose. I learned this five years ago in 2008, when I had lost my job, was recovering from several recent deaths in the family, was about to lose my house, and was having no “luck” finding a new job. So I spent a LOT of my free time praying and studying the Bible. When I look back to how frightening a time that should have been, I can honestly say that I had real peace. While fully aware of the gravity of my situation (I had/have a family to provide for) and diligently searching for work, I remember that all my anxiety had been replaced by faith in God. Whenever I felt tempted to fear or despair, I just recited promises in the scripture: I am more than a conqueror, He [God] is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, He has plans to prosper me, not to harm me, plans to give me a future filled with hope. By 2010, I became a full time writer with an income that exceeded any salary I had made in the 20 years prior. Prayer gave me not only peace, but the power to believe in and receive miracles.
5. Water – I never realized how much I needed water until I finally started drinking enough of it. Not just any beverage, they don’t count. But pure water. I started drinking about 8 cups a day and found myself alive, feeling clean and strong inside and out. It helped my fatigue and helped clear up my skin.
Considering that the human body is anywhere from 50%-70% water, It’s amazing what a difference in your energy, sense of physical and even emotional wellness can depend on having enough. And yet, I never thought I had a problem with this. But when I started disciplining myself to drink enough, the benefits were amazing. My doctor told me that if I drink coffee, it doesn’t count (darn!) For every cup of coffee I drink, I have to replace that with the same amount of water just to break even in my water intake requirements. So 12 ounces of coffee must be replaced with 12 ounces of water, and that replacement water doesn’t count towards my daily 8 cups. It’s not that bad, once you make a habit of it. And, if you’re a person sitting at a computer for long hours, you’ll find that drinking the right amount of water throughout the day will force you to get up, stretch your legs, back and neck, and walk…to the bathroom. 🙂
So, these are five things that helped me get my energy back. Do you have any other suggestions? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below.

Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)
I really need items one, two and three… I’ve been working on five.