by Susan Wingate (author of award-winning novels DROWNING and BOBBY’S DINER)
In Fantasy: Writing alone = Heaven
In Reality: Writing alone = Heaven
In Fantasy: Being alone = Heaven
In Reality: Being alone = Loneliness
For years I’ve told people how much I love being alone. And, if you want to know the truth of it, most of the time that’s the way I feel if we consider other people–those others “out there,” outside my home those friends, family members not included in my immediate world–those people would never invade my life at all, if I truly desired to remain alone.
The fact is this, when I’m completely alone, without my husband, sister or mother around, without the people I love, my life is empty and sad. I tend to feel this way when it comes to close friends too. Those people, your buddies, you can call at eight in the evening and drink a glass of wine with while you chat.
Still, as we age, we learn the true meaning of loneliness. I never had children as a young woman. Never wanted children of my own. My husband, Bob, has three–a son and two daughters. From these children we now have four grandchildren, soon to be five. A sense of warmth and blessing comes from these kids. Even though they aren’t mine. Which makes me wonder how deeply the parent-child feeling goes with your own biological children. Deeper than the earth’s core, I think.
Most of my days I spend by myself, working out of the house. Not totally alone, of course. I have my critters about who keep me company–my dogs and cats, my birds and the wild animals that traverse our five acres of country-deep property. But something wonderful happens each day that makes me understand what humanity means. Each day, after leaving nearly ten hours before, my husband comes back home. Sometimes he returns happy, content, silly. Sometimes he returns overworked, laden, sad. Yet, however he returns, my life brightens. The blinders fall off my eyes. I can see the day. Work feels somewhere behind me.
As a writer, we must spend time alone to work, to visualize, to create. But, as human beings? We need people to interact with. And, when we feel the thrumming aversion to social interaction, we humans must put on a character (where without that character we might shrivel) and we must step outside our comfort zone.
Because, honestly, if we don’t, how will we write? My best moments, I feel, are moments I’ve spent  watching someone else or with have been with someone else. Sometimes, funny things happen when other people enter the scene. When I think back on times when funny things have happened and I was alone, these moments feel frustrating. I want to call someone, tell someone what just happened. That speaks volumes.
See, people need people. It’s a simple truth. We have the same bodies. We are made of the same spirit, if you will, and are completely connected by God, for me, by some other higher being for others. But, we’re linked by something much larger than ourselves.
Try and think of it this way, if a friend or family member calls you, it means a few things–one, they thought about you; two, they want to hear your voice; and, three, they love you. But, it also means, when you remove yourself from their lives, they miss you.
For more information about Susan Wingate,
Susan’s website is: http://www.susanwingate.com
Susan’s workshop schedule is: http://susanwingate.wordpress.com/writing-services/upcoming-writing-workshops/
Susan’s blog is: https://susanwingate.wordpress.com/muscle-up-the-gut-of-your-novel-writing-instruction/
Susan’s Facebook page is: http://www.facebook.com/susanwingate.author
Susan’s Twitter page is: http://twitter.com/#!/susanwingate

Legal Notice: All information on this website and blog are from Mr. Graham's personal experience and insight and should not be viewed in any way, directly or inferred, as qualified professional advice.
All creative writing on this website or Mr. Graham's books: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)
Thanks so much for hosting me today on my week-long blog tour for DROWNING. I appreciate the time and effort it takes to arrange for something like this. So, from my heart, thank you.
Blessings, Susan.
Thanks for sharing this, Susan! Best wishes on your virtual book tour!